Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 14. San Gorgonio Wildernesss

212 to 232.5

Earliest start yet.  I hiked all day by myself.   Got a poor night sleep in a very windy site near the Wind Farm- all the windmills should have been a tip not to hang there but there weren't lots of options.  Now I know that the extra time I normally spend looking for good sites is justified.  I was low on energy all day due to lack of sleep. It was a relief to hike my own pace cause I was tired all day and I like being alone.
I never get bored looking at the sunrises.
Watched the sunrise over the windmills, and climbed into the San Gorgonio Wilderness. Lots of flowers blooming, some we haven't seen before. And butterflies everywhere.
 This area is so different from all the other places we've been- more vast and arid. The braided rivers are stunning, winding their way from the massive peaks. The trail brought us down along the Whitewater River, then way up for a birds-eye view, then back down along Mission Creek.
Braided river.
It was hot again and I soaked my tired feet in the cold water and dunked my hat to cool off, and took extra breaks. Still managed to get in 20 miles, but the last few were pretty slow.
Soaking my feet.
I hiked alone again today, and never ran into Pathfinder and Susan.  I did leapfrog with Ninja Tank all day.  And I met Ken for the first time, recently retired from the USFS (See Ken/Tortuga's website here.  He is raising money for a wonderful organization that helps kids with serious medical conditions).
In late afternoon when I was hunting for a hang site, I came upon some campers with two hammocks! The are locals and had carried in a Dutch oven. First hammock hangers I've seen out here!

It's only 7:30 but I'm already tucked into my hammock. There's a cold wind blowing but I'm in the most sheltered place I could find.
Windy hang site near the water.
Realized I've been out here two weeks now. It seems like a lot longer because so much has happened and time moves at a different pace. I still feel like I savor every moment. I also am constantly aware how happy I am to be doing the thing I live to do most (ie hiking) every single day.


  1. It's nice that you have an understanding with your hiking companions like that. You must not have much shared gear.

    1. No shared gear. And it's more like they put up with me and my loner ways. I'm definitely very introverted and need time to myself. I'm lucky they have been understanding.

  2. I'm glad Pathfinder is feeling better and you all got to safety. The first picture of this entry is so incredible. The more I read about your journey, the more convinced I am that I will have to get on the PCT someday, some how, some way... :-)

    1. That was one of my favorite sunrises. You can definitely find a way to make the PCT happen for you if you have the desire to do it. Go for it!!! You will not regret it.
