Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 5. Into Julian

63.7 to 77.3

As a weekend backpacker in Georgia, I used to see people out on the trail that looked really cool and interesting and wish I could go up and say hey lets be friends. But that never seemed like something that was socially acceptable and also I'm pretty shy.  But the thing about being a thru hiker is that it's OK to say hey do you want to hike together, or take a rest break together.  You can end up sharing your life story (or at least a piece of it), or share your problems or fears.  Then you can go to eat, or split a hotel room- all with someone you just met a few hours ago.  For me, this has really been a breakthrough because one of the things I want to do more of is connect with people on a deeper level. Out here that seems so much easier and is something that I'm so excited about.

The highlight of the day was meeting three hikers that we ended up hiking part of the day and going into the town of Juian with- Farwalker, Jordi, and Sundrizzzle.  What incredible people!  I had a blast with everyone!  We hiked down in the eat and wind, but the miles melted away as the conversations flowed.
Descending to Scissors Crossing
A nice couple from San Diego stopped for us at Scissors Crossing and gave us a hitch for the 12 miles into the town of Julian in the back of their pickup.  They were amazed we are hiking all the way to Canada, and I was amazed by their kindness for giving us dirty hikers a ride. Thank you Suzie and Curt!
My first time hitchhiking.
In Julian, we'd heard that Mom's Pies was giving hikers free pie, so we went there and ordered pie and sandwitches.  And after showing our thru hiker permits, the whole meal was free!  I couldn't believe it!  Such an amazing place and delicious pie!
Free pie in Julian.
Then we got a room at the Julian Lodge with our new friend Farwalker and tried to find a laundrymat but there isn't one in this town.  But then the guy from the hotel came and offered to do our laundry- once again so amazing.  

For dinner, we changed into our long underwear and walked downtown.  I have to add this is a fancy tourist town so people were looking at us but some came up to is and asked if we were hikers.  Again I could hardly believe it we looked so funny but it was so much fun and we now have clean hiking clothes and full bellies and I can't imagine being happier.
Farwalker, Pathfinder, Susan/Rewind, Jordi, Sundrizzle


  1. I'm not sure if I've already commented on your blog, so I may be repeating myself. Menopause mind doesn't help the memory! Also, my job running a plastics recycling export business and playing with a new grandbaby keep me busy. All that being said: IMO, yours is the blog to follow this year. I read your "About Me" page and think that you are someone with whom I'd be friends. As a novice backpacker at the age of 56, I don't know if I'll ever get to thru-hike the PCT; I've section hiked around Northern CA and Southern OR though and think about situating myself to be a trail angel. Reading your blog, I feel like I'm getting not only a view of life on the trail, I'm also picking up tips on backpacking in general. Looking forward to reading more about your adventure!

    1. Great to hear from you Laura. How cool that you are section hiking and taking up backpacking- there are so many places already so many side trails that I keep passing by and thinking I need to come back and explore. Thanks for the encouragement for writing my blog! And maybe we will meet somewhere out there on the trail. Happy hiking to you!

  2. I'm going to crawl into all of your posts and pretend I'm there! Free pies, free food...ah, the life of a thru-hiker!

    1. Ah this sure is the life. I keep saying every few minutes 'wow' this whole experience is so incredible- so happy to share it with you!

  3. As a fellow Gossamer Gear Ambassador, I'm rooting for you every step of the way. This is the year of the mature woman, I'm absolutely enjoying following the stories of so many incredible women and can't wait to begin my own tale come October.

    1. Thanks so much, Jan! I've been really surprised how many women are out here on the trail! It's quite remarkable. Look forward to hearing about your hike in October!

  4. Your blog reminds me a lot of one I read last year'--So many Miles. So positive and liking the experience. Thanks for blogging. Probably we will be doing our section too early in August (WA) to meet you, but I will be following your blog until then.

    1. Thanks, Mary. Yes, I'm sure having a blast. Glad to hear you are getting in a section hike this year- can't wait to hear about it.

  5. Enjoying your blog so much. The PCT as a section hike may be in my future next year. Interested in where you get off and go to town and everything in between. It sounds like you are having the time of your life!!

    1. Thanks, Virginia, so happy to share the experience with everyone. It really is the time of my life, I don't think I've ever been more happy in my whole life.

  6. I love your blog so much, and you seem like such a cool person. I've been following you and the other early April starters' blogs closely as I'm trying to gauge when would be the best time to go up and do a weekend of trail magic in the Angeles National Forest (my home!) before the dreaded Poodle Dog. I hope that if I am able to get up there for a few days that I'll be able to meet you!

    1. Thanks so much, Erin! So wonderful that you are planning some trail magic. What mile is that? I'll be sure to look for you!
