Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 28. Into Agua Dulce

mile 436 to 454

Coach, Whitewater and I were hiking machines today, making 18 miles before 1pm.  We kept joking that we were doing a nero today- a "near zero" day into the town of Agua Dulce.  Haha 18 miles did feel like a low mileage day after all the high miles we'd been doing.  97 miles in 3 1/2 days!  Feeling so strong!
The Vasquez Rocks Park had awesome geology and signs for all the plants, but we just kept saying how cool it was that they filmed a Star Trek episode there.
Coach at Vasquez Rocks Park
Our destination was Agua Dulce, home of the Trail Angels the Saufleys where I'm taking a zero tomorrow.  First stop was Big Mouth Pizza.  Priorities are food before showers and laundry.  We ate an entire pizza and then filled in the empty spaces in our bellies with ice cream.
Me and Whitewater
Coach met his wife at the Saufleys and they will go back to finish hiking other sections together.  His wife recognized me-- we met on my second night and camped together in Fred Canyon.  I can't believe I didn't recognize Coach after hiking with him these past few days.  Too funny!  

Got my hammock set up behind the horses at a spot that PITA showed me.  Great seeing him again. Also briefly saw Susan, and Blue Yonder came in late.  What a great place!
Hanging at the Saufley's.


  1. Hey, you are me on the FT, rockin' 20 miles by 12-1pm ! We called them 'nearos' too! Loving your updates!

  2. My life is hectic, I haven't read your blog in days and I envy the simplicity of your current adventure. It's all pretty straight-up, I imagine. Not easy, but simple, basic, and so much freedom! 97 miles in 3 1/2 days? You're my backpacking guru! Can't wait to catch up on all your posts tonight.. Something to look forward to, after a long day at work.

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  4. That is really crazy to think of 18 mile days as a nero. You are getting strong and becoming a machine for sure. You will be so ready for the Sierra. Looking forward to the day when I can hike those kind of miles, for that matter that I can hike long days every day.
