Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 61. 900 miles!

15 miles on the PCT plus several more on the Goodale Pass trail
886 to 901

Each pass has it's own unique character. Goodale Pass, which we choose to take leaving VVR, was dramatic and still full of snow, yet more gentle.  The passes get easier as we go north.
Suncups on Goodale Pass.
 The views were stunning and there were a surprising number of flat places near the top. I took a break to ice my foot in the snow which felt fantastic.
Good thing there is lots of snow to ice my foot.
Today there were more gorgeous lakes, and some mosquitoes. They aren't as aggressive or thick as the ones in Wisconsin, but I've heard they get worse. They didn't stop me from soaking my foot in the chilly waters of Purple Lake. Yes, the order of the day was keeping my sore foot happy- and it was mostly successful. I had less pain today so I'm optimistic it is going to get better.
Purple Lake.
We reached the 900 mile mark today! I can hardly believe it!  Tomorrow we are stopping at Reds Meadow for breakfast and then heading back out on the trail.
I love hiking out here!


  1. 900 miles! that is amazing! I've really enjoyed reading all about your journey :)

  2. Good to hear the foot pain is somewhat less . Your spirit certainly sounds heaps better . Hang in there and keep smiling .
