Friday, August 18, 2023

Day 3. Out and back day

 Day 3 7/11/23
Out and back day
16 miles including a side trip to Snowy Lakes

Today was an out-and-back day. We packed up everything we'd need for the day and then carefully stashed some of our gear that we wouldn't need until night. I felt like I was floating down the trail!

The hike to Granite Pass was shrouded in fog. I loved the smell of the cold icy day. Clouds swirled and just tiny glimpses of peaks revealed themselves. We wondered what they would look like on a clear day.

As we celebrated getting to our previous turnaround spot where we'd been in 2016, blue sky swirled above and a ray of sunshine peaked through. We'd have very different views on the return trip-- it totally cleared up. And we'd have perfect swimming weather!

Snowy Lakes were a steep mile or so off the trail, so most PCT hikers don't visit them. But Jan and I make lakes one of our priorties. We timed it perfectly for the warmest part of the day. The dip was quick but we lingered on the rocky banks, soaking in the beauty.

On the last few miles of trail before we got to camp, we started seeing more and more people heading in the opposite direction. Some of them were pretty rude, not getting off the trail, barely acknowleding us. What was going on?!?

We'd only seen one person our second day and no one the first day except in camp. Most of the third day was quiet... until this huge clump started coming and it felt totally overwhelming. I started doubting my whole trip and spiraled into thinking that the rest of the trip would juat be one big crowded mess, unable to find campsite or peace and quiet. Finally, I asked one of the hikers why there were so many people and he explained that we’d just passed by a tramily of 10 that had been hiking together a long time and flipped up together and that explained it!

After picking up our gear, we hiked a few more miles before finding a quiet spot in sweet deep forest. I love spots like this because they give me the best sleep, though I know they are a comprimise for Jan since she loves views. We will have to find her a good view spot at some point.

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