
I like to sew my own gear. I don't like to buy gear.

DIY Gear
     Karo Top Quilt -summer-weight quilt, my first adventure with down
     2nd Karo Top Quilt- new improved winter-weight quilt
     Hiking Skirt -the original version
     2nd Generation Hiking Skirt -new, improved design, and now featuring camo print
     Next Generation Hiking Skirt- including a (rough) pattern
     Arm gaiters- also called sleeves, for easier thermoregulation
     Leg gaiters -leg protection for bushwacking and overgrown trails

Posts about gear 
     No New Gear - an experiment in buying no gear for one year

     Clothes review for the PCT: SoCal and the Sierra
     Hammock Gear on the PCT: SoCal and the Sierra -review of my hammock gear
     Gear review for the PCT: pack, hydration, kitchen, electronics, etc.
     Apps for long distance backpacking -managing finances, files, photos, social media
     Umbrella rigging -hands-free umbrella attachment method
     Why I love hammocks


  1. Hey, Joan, for your DIY tall gaiters, did you just have an elastic at the top, or a cord/cordlock arrangement? Anything you'd do differently?

    1. At the top of the gators is shockcord and cord locks-- glad i did this so is adjustable to accommidate leggings underneith.

      Only wish Id have made a few extra pairs.

  2. Thanks for sharing so much great information, trials on the trail, and all around wisdom!
    And you've really got me curious to try a hammock...sadly though where I live and do most of my hiking is treeless!
    Anyway, love your blog!

    1. Thanks so much for the comment! Glad to hear from you and know this info is helpful. I've been venturing more into treeless areas myself, but still haven't gotten used to sleeping on the ground. But it's worth it sometimes for the views and getting to see new environments.

  3. Let's talk girl stuff, I am about to go on a small thru hike, not during the best time of the month if you know what I mean. Any advice?

    1. Lots of good techniques in this article by Trinity Ludwig. Read the comments section too because each woman has a different experience so see what's best for you:

      I use tampons and pack them out. I also carry a pee rag, stay hydrated, wear a skirt to improve air flow, and rinse my underwear if possible.

      Don't let having your period stop you from getting out!
