Friday, October 25, 2013

Planning for the PCT in 2014

I’ve been talking about doing a long-distance trail for years.  With my job over at the end of the year, I’m finally going for it!  I will set out to hike the 2,663 mile Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) from Mexico to Canada through the Sierra Nevada and Cascades starting in April of 2014.
PCT planning (and AT practice hikes too.. pay no attention to the CDT info- not sure how that got there <grin>).
Though the Appalachian Mountains have been my stomping grounds for the past dozen years, nothing stirs my soul like the sight of the Cascade Mountains of the Pacific Northwest.  These are the mountains of my childhood, and whenever I see them, I feel a strong sense of home and of belonging.  Whenever I visit places like Crater Lake, Stehekin, or Lassen, I always wish I could stay longer.   

Never actually having done a long-distance backpacking trip, I’m excited, scared, overwhelmed, overjoyed, and most of all thrilled to be *finally* doing it. <yippee>

Stay tuned for updates on planning and training...
On a trip a few years ago with my folks to Stehekin, Washington, near the PCT.


  1. SWEET! I'm jealous, jealous, jealous! :) I'm thrilled that you are able to do a thru-hike....I'll be cheering on here next spring and summer!

  2. Ohhhh thank you SOOOO much for the support. *Really* means a lot. :)

  3. How exciting (and what a great use of a forced non-working time in your life)! Can't wait to hear more about the planning and any gear you might be making.

  4. Hey Megan! Definitely am excited! Haha right now I've got piles of fabrics out everywhere trying to figure out what to piece together for the new PCT skirt. :)

  5. Congratulations on taking the leap! It will be an experience of a lifetime.

  6. Thanks, Allison! I'm so excited! Even this planning stage has been incredible.
