Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 54. Where's the PCT?

12 miles
801 to 813

This was suppose to be an easy day. Short miles to get set up for the next pass tomorrow.  Crossing Pinchot Pass wasn't suppose to be as hard as the others. Well then how come I'm so freaking exhausted?!?!? Argh!!!
Woo hoo!  Now, where's the trail?!?!
The PCT is covered in snow in many places. This is a low snow year, but we are early so that means plenty of snow. So often, Arizona and I say, "Where is the trail?"  It is lost under the snow.  The footprints we usually follow go off in all directions, and are often obscured by suncups- the snow melts in waves and then refreezes. It takes us forever to find our way and them climb over all the snow to the pass.
Are those footprints or suncups?
We joke about how we wish there were white blazes every 10 feet like on the Appalachian Trail.  We joke how we are earning more bonus miles because we have to hike back and forth to find the trail.  But really we are frustrated by our slow progress. How can we possibly be going at 1 mile per hour? Aren't we in better shape than that?  We try to remember to be patient.  "Smiles not miles!"
Arizona climbs to the pass.
When we do find the trail, it is often a flowing stream or mud hole. Our feet are constantly wet from all the fords. So far only knee high depths, but we met a couple going southbound and hear that Bear Creek is waist deep and the woman got knocked over by the force of the water.

We had thought we might do two passes today, but we stopped after only 12 miles and relaxed in the sun by the river. The river cuts a narrow canyon as it waterfalls through the valley.  I soak in the views and check out the wildflowers and watch the clouds.
Taking a break by the river.
On the way to camp we meet a few other guys who are stopping early too, rather than going over the next pass. "We are all passed out!" they say. Hahaha! So am I!
Early to camp, but glad for the extra rest.

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