Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Day 1- Back on the PCT, yet again!

Harts Pass to near Grasshopper Pass (Washington state, the northernmost section)
Day 1

Around 6 miles

My pack feels heavy with 4 1/2 days of food compared to my weekend trips. But the PCT is (shockingly) PCT grade! I don’t know why this always comes as such a surprise- the gentle grade and the soft tread.


I'm also still shocked that I'm actually on the PCT again! It's really happening! The reality that this might be my last trip on the PCT also begins to settle. Because I’ve been thwarted a few times before by this section, I didn’t let myself think I’d actually finish. But maybe it really will happen.

Even though I haven’t done PCT sections every year (I’ve done four long sections prior to this- 2014, 2016, 2019 and 2021) the years in between I still have the hope and dreams of the PCT. It is something to look forward to. Each return trip is like coming home. What will I do without the PCT in my life?

The few miles to camp are incredibly gentle with outstanding views. I chatter with Jan and we relax into our comfortable rhythm. It always amazes me how well we hike together.

I'm grateful for the gentle PCT grade. I’d been so nervous about my knee- in 2020 I started to get bad pain on downhills. Two years of physical therapy didn’t help. Then last fall I got fed up (finally) and went to another physical therapist, this time an ultra-runner who finally understood the problem - the recovery has been slow but I’ve finally been seeing an improvement. But after such a long time in pain, I still don’t trust my knee.

Each long downhill I wait for the pain to return but it never does. I slowly let myself settle into the reality. As usual, I’m stronger than I think I am. And the PCT is so much more gentle on me than my Utah trips.

Rainstorms greet Jan and I. My umbrella comes out and I think this is so typical for Washington- all moody and stormy. But then when we get to camp the rain stops. And the hammock gives me the best sleep I’ve had in years- I sleep soundly through the whole night. Somehow this too surprises me- I like to think I’ve adjusted to ground dwelling but honestly, I flip constantly all night long and its not the most restful sleep. But the hammock is pure comfort.

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