19 miles
44 to 63
Today I began hiking at 5:30 AM by headlamp. The sunrise was so spectacular I don't have words to describe it- the changing light, sweeping views down into the valley, and a sea of wildflowers. I was awestruck. If I had known just how absolutely mindblowingly gorgeous the PCT was, I would have spent more of my PCT preparation time on looking up synonyms for "wow" and "spectacular" because that's all I can think to say.
Sunrise. |
More incredible wildflowers. |
I hiked my first "12 before 12" which means 12 miles before noon. It's a good strategy in the heat to hike in the cool of the morning and take several hours siesta midday, and then hike more in the evening.
Incredible light. |
Today was so windy it felt like walking in the ocean- we had to lean forward, and we kept getting tossed around, even our hiking poles felt like they were flying out of our hands.
I'm hanging from two really small trees along Chariot Canyon Road (at mile 63) that keep getting knocked around in the wind. I really hope they stay upright through the night. It was tough finding a hang site with all the big burned trees covered in poison oak.
Hanging from trees as tall as me and as thick as my wrist. |
Overall it was another great day and I'm so happy to be out here!
Wow is all I can think of to say, too! These pictures are so breathtaking and I know it is probably infinitely more amazing in person. I am glad I found your blog and I look forward to following you on your journey.
The scenery was breathtaking, and I was so glad I got to see it in this early morning light. Thanks so much for your comments, and good to see you here!